Contents: 1 x High-Tensile SS Rectangular Wire Upper 019 x 025, 1 x High-Tensile SS Rectangular Wire Lower 019 x 025
Contents: 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Upper 012, 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Lower 012
Contents: 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Upper 014, 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Lower 014
Contents: 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Upper 016, 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Lower 016
Contents: 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Upper 018, 1 x High-Tensile SS Round Wire Lower 018
DENTISTREE Ortho Premium NiTiClosed Coil TAD Springs with Eyelet are available in 11mm, 13mm, 15mm, and 17mm passive lengths and available in 3 force values – Light (150g), Medium (200g), and Heavy (250g).
SuperElastic NiTi Arches is our best–selling product. Contents: 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Upper 016 x 016, 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Lower 016 x 016
SuperElastic NiTi Arches is our best–selling product. Contents: 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Upper 016 x 022, 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Lower 016 x 022
SuperElastic NiTi Arches is our best–selling product. Contents: 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Upper 017 x 025, 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Lower 017 x 025
SuperElastic NiTi Arches is our best–selling product. Contents: 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Upper 019 x 025, 1 x Superelastic NiTi Rectangular Lower 019 x 025
Contents: 1 x Superelastic NiTi RCS Rectangular Upper 016 x 022, 1 x Superelastic NiTi RCS Rectangular Lower 016 x 022
Contents: 1 x Superelastic NiTi RCS Round Upper 014, 1 x Superelastic NiTi RCS Round Lower 014