BEGO is a globally-operating medium-sized company with an outstanding reputation within the dental industry. Equipment and materials "Made by BEGO", the proven BEGO system und BEGO know-how are synonymous with top-quality products which combine safety and reliability. BEGO and their employees are committed to the well-being and health of the patient. The basic principles which govern the company''s philosophy and culture form the foundation for the new BEGO: Working together for success.
One Implant BEGO's advanced dental implant made of Grade 4 pure titanium. Tapered, with self-tapping threads that feature an optimized cutting angle, and bone chips to increase primary stability and improve osseointegration.
One Implant The new BEGO Semados® SC and SCX implants.
BEGO Semados® RSPro implants are designed with machined shoulder with platform switching. The range is supplemented by individual CAD / CAM-fabricated prosthetic components and surgical guides. The exceptionally high technical standards ensure a high degree of satisfaction—for implant dentists and patients in equal measure.
One Closed Impression Tray Impression sets Platform Switch
One Healing Post Healing posts Platform Switch